1. What year did the Chief greet Captain Cook wearing his feather attire?
a) 2020 b) 1820
c) 1779 d) 1960i
2. The ‘ahu’ula and mahiole is worn only by?
Captain James Cook
People of high rank
School teachers
3. The Hawaiians thought Captain James Cook was a god ?
True b) false
4. Which god did Captain James Cook get mistaken for?
Kāne b) Lono
c) Kū d) Kanaloa
5. What fascinated the crew that travelled with Captain James Cook?
a) the unique feature of Hawaiian culture b) ‘ahu’ula and mahiole
c) beautiful colour and design d) the food
6. How many cloaks and capes were brought back to England:?
a) 13 b) 3
c) 30 e) 0
7. What was unique about the Hawaiian cloaks and helmets?
Its beautiful colour & design b) intricately crafted
The effectiveness as armour d) superpowers to fly
8.Why is the cloak worn once?
a) because the feathers return back to its owners
b) the structure of the cloak becomes fragile
Captain James Cook stole the cloaks
It’s lost
9. The structure of the helmet is made from?
Fibre netting
Aerial roots of the ‘ieie plant
Hawaiian flower frangipani